LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature
Wild Atlantic Nature LIFE IP, a 9-year EU-funded LIFE Integrated Project, works with farmers, local communities and land owners to add value to the wide range of services provided from our Special Area of Conservation (SAC) network of blanket bogs and associated areas. These peatlands provide clean drinking water, store carbon, support biodiversity, produce high quality food and support resilient rural economies and livelihoods through farming, tourism, recreation and other activities. As part of the project, a pilot voluntary Results Based Payment Scheme (RBPS) will be linked to the quality of the habitat, thereby putting landowners and their skills, expertise and knowledge of their land central to the development of this project.
Cuidíonn Wild Atlantic Nature LIFE IP, Tionscadal Comhtháite LIFE 9 mbliana arna mhaoiniú ag an AE, le feirmeoirí, pobail áitiúla agus úinéirí talún chun luach a chur leis an raon leathan seirbhísí a chuirtear ar fáil ónár líonra de phortaigh blaincéad Limistéar Speisialta Caomhnaithe (SAC) agus réimsí gaolmhara. Soláthraíonn na tailte portaigh seo uisce óil glan, stórálann siad carbón, tacaíonn siad le bithéagsúlacht, táirgeann siad bia ar ardchaighdeán agus tacaíonn siad le geilleagair agus slite beatha tuaithe athléimneacha trí fheirmeoireacht, turasóireacht, áineas agus gníomhaíochtaí eile. Mar chuid den tionscadal, beidh scéim phíolótach deonach Íocaíochta Bunaithe ar Thorthaí (RBPS) nasctha le cáilíocht na gnáthóige, agus ar an gcaoi sin úinéirí talún agus a gcuid scileanna, saineolais agus eolais ar a gcuid talún a chur chun tosaigh i bhforbairt an tionscadail seo.
The project, coordinated by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, will focus on 35 blanket bog project sites in counties Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo and Galway. As well as working closely with farmers and local communities, the project brings together the experience and knowledge of associated partners including the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, RTÉ, Coillte, Fáilte Ireland, The Heritage Council, Bord na Móna, Teagasc, Northern & Western Regional Assembly, and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela in Spain.