Peatlands Survey Update 2024

From 2023-2026, LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature are undertaking habitat surveys across a number of project sites. These surveys are required so that the peatland habitats can be identified and assessed and to allow for restoration plans to be developed with interested landowners. In total, there are 14 project sites that need to be surveyed over an area of approx. 135,000ha. The survey involves mapping polygons in GIS and identifying the habitats in the field. Once the habitats have been mapped, vegetation quadrats are recorded to quantify species composition and structure of the habitat. 15,000ha were surveyed within the Owenduff/Nephin Complex SAC in 2023, with an additional 40,000ha to be surveyed each year from 2024-2026. In 2024, Glenamoy Bog Complex, Slieve Tooey and Glenveagh National Park are scheduled to be surveyed. In 2025, Maumturk Mountains, The Twelve Bens and Bellacorrick Bog Complex are scheduled to be surveyed, with Connemara Bog Complex due for completion in 2026. The project team and its contractor, Woodrow Sustainable Solutions, will be in touch with landowners and relevant authorities in advance of undertaking surveys.

Peatlands Survey 2024