Wild Atlantic Nature hosts RBPS study visit from Estonian LIFE project

Wild Atlantic Nature hosted a visit from a group of scientists, policy-makers and farmers from Estonia in June 2024, co-organised with LIFE IP ForEst&FarmLand. The visiting group were on a fact-finding mission to hear about the development of results-based agri-environmental payments schemes (RBPS) in Ireland, and potential application in Estonia. Following an introduction from Derek McLoughlin, the group heard from Dr James Moran (ATU), officials from DAFM and NPWS, and members of the ACRES Brefini team (Fergal Monaghan and Caroline O’Sullivan) about their experiences. We then took a field visit to the Burren to meet with Brendan Dunford (Burren Beo), the ACRES Burren-Aran team and farmer Michael Davoren. The following day we visited farmer Colm Gavin in Delphi and heard from ACRES West Connacht, before travelling to one of the LIFE on Machair sites near Louisburg.

Results Based Agri-Environmental Payment Scheme Fact Finding Mission