Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives
LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature is a 9-year EU-funded LIFE Integrated Project that works with farmers, local communities, state agencies and others to add value to the wide range of services provided from our Natura 2000 network of blanket bogs and associated areas.
What is Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives?
Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives is a series of short opinion pieces written by a wide variety of contributors from across different spheres of society. It aims to provide a platform for different voices to reflect on how their work and life is shaped by our Natura 2000 network and associated habitats.
Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives will provide readers with informed views and opinions on a vast range of topics connected to Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA), with a particular focus on blanket bog habitat.
When and where will Perspectives be published?
Perspective pieces will be published on our website on a monthly basis and promoted on our social media channels. The Perspectives series will be launched in May 2022.
Why contribute to Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives?
Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives provides a platform to contribute to public debate and communicate new ideas on a range of topics related to protected sites in Ireland.
What kind of topics are covered?
Perspective pieces aim to cover a wide range of topics including environmental, social, cultural, economic and political issues related to or connected with protected sites.
Who will contribute to Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives?
Contributions are welcome from different people across society and will include pieces written by farmers, academics and educators, scientists, NGO workers, policy-makers, community representatives, local authority workers, artists, businesses and others.
Is there a defined template for writing and structuring contributions?
A Wild Atlantic Nature Perspectives template, including writing tips, is available here
Who do I contact for more information?
For further information contact project team member Gary Goggins at gary.goggins@housing.gov.ie